بهترین های پزشکی و پرستاری | اوردامین : Today, another truth has emerged
بهترین های پزشکی و پرستاری | اوردامین : Today, another truth has emerged
  • اوردامین
  • طراحی وب
يک شنبه
بازدید امروز : 2917 بازدید
کل بازدید کنندگان امروز : 447 نفر
بازدید کل : 54514020 بازدید
حاضرین در سایت : 18 نفر

تاریخ شروع شمارشگر : 94/03/01

عمر سایت : حدود 9 سال پیش

تعداد کل مطالب : 1214

Today, another truth has emerged

Today, another truth has emerged

Today, for the thousandth time, America has proven to be the biggest terrorist
He tried again to show his true and evil face
We, the Iranian people, will stay with our leader as long as we can , We will die on his orders .
He is our truth ...
He is our love ...
He's our commander ...
He owns us ...
You tried to destroy one of his soldiers , But you don't know that Seyed Ali has millions of troops ...
Forces that will not give up their support until the very last breath ...
You destroyed Qasem Suleimani , But what will you do with the rest of the soldiers and commanders?
Qasim Soleimani was a drop from the sea ...
We have a Brave army and a powerful Sepah that are targeting enemies under Sayyid Ali's command.
According to our leader:
" The era of unanswered crimes is over and Missile, the answer is missile "
Wait for Iran's hard revenge ....
Cowardly and cowardly Trump ....
Long Live Iran ...
Long live Sayyid Ali ...
Allahomma ajel levaliyek alfaraj.

حاج قاسم سلیمانی ، امروز جمعه مورخ 1398/10/13 به شهادت رسید
اما راهش تا ابد ادامه دارد ...
زنده باد رهبرم،عشق من،سید علی ...

اَللّهُمَّ عَجِّل لِوَلیِّکَ الفَرَج

نویسنده : amin mah
تاریخ ارسال : جمعه ، 98/10/13 ، در ساعت 12:09

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