بهترین های پزشکی و پرستاری | اوردامین : moharram and islam
بهترین های پزشکی و پرستاری | اوردامین : moharram and islam
  • اوردامین
  • طراحی وب
دو شنبه
بازدید امروز : 311 بازدید
کل بازدید کنندگان امروز : 151 نفر
بازدید کل : 54536542 بازدید
حاضرین در سایت : 10 نفر

تاریخ شروع شمارشگر : 94/03/01

عمر سایت : حدود 9 سال پیش

تعداد کل مطالب : 1214

moharram and islam

moharram and islam
I want to talk a bit about Islam and Muslims And make some things clear .

Muslims are divided into two categories
1 - Shi'i
2 - Sunni

The Sunnis have their own ideas and are very respectable, and we do not talk about them .
Shiites believe in Imam Ali (AS).
He was a great man and He is the groom of the last prophet of Allah .
The last prophet is Mohammed and He was the prophet of Islam And lived almost 1500 years ago .
Islam is the last and most complete religion of God .
Islam includes all good things and humanitarian law and Islam is strongly opposed to killing people .

The name of the wife of Imam Ali is Fatimah (S)
She was an unparalleled, kind, beloved God .
The name of the child of  Ali and Fatimah is Hussein (AS).
He is a pattern of liberation, sacrifice, kindness, truthfulness, truth and magnanimity .
Shiites love him so much And every year, they mourn for him for a month .

Imam Hussein left his city almost 1400 years ago to defend Islam and 72 companions with Wafa also accompanied him .
Along the way, the enemy (Yazid's Corps) blocked them .
The enemy's troops were 30,000, while Imam Hossein's troops were 72.
The enemy surrounded them and They also closed the way back and Closed the way to water

Imam Hussein had taken his six-month-old son , Imam Hussein had taken her three-year-old daughter (Mrs. Roghieh) ...
The enemy did not allow access to water .
Imam Hossein's troops were very thirsty , In the hot and desert desert of KARBALA !

Imam Hussein had taken his brave brother too , His name was Abbas (AS).
He was a model of sacrifice and courage and courage ...

Abbas went to the river to bring water to the children But the enemies cut their hands and shot their eyes and Then they split their body ...

Eventually, after 10 days, enemies attacked the Imam Hussein's army , Killed men and captured women and children .
The head of Imam Hussein (AS) separated from her body, while her 3 year old daughter watched!
ISIS also repeats the same crimes of the Yazid Corps .

ISIS makes Muslim claims , While Muslims are opposed to killing , Muslims want freedom and tranquility .
In Islam, all human beings are equal , No one is superior to others .

Muslims are waiting for the promised , He will come at the end of the day , And the world will be full of peace.

نویسنده : amin mah
تاریخ ارسال : جمعه ، 97/06/30 ، در ساعت 14:52

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